Saturday, November 22, 2008

Football 360

We are 9 days away from the release of Football 360! December 1st is the date you can get your hands on the nations #1 strength and speed training program ever created for high school football players. Check out the High School Strength and Speed web site and learn more about FOOTBALL 360

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Block Periodization

Have you ever heard of block periodization? If you have you are way ahead concerning periodization models. If the NSCA had its way we'd all be using Western Linear periodization and experiencing sub par performance the rest of our lives. Granted, for a brand new trainee this method works...but as Siff states all training programs work for a small period of time. But, if the correct morphological and physiological elements aren't develop to support the function of the movement...well your work has been in vain. I digress.

Check out the book Block Periodization by Vladimir Issurin. Block periodization is a method for structuring training in which you concentrate training means into a uni-directional focus. By concentrating training means and using delayed residual effects one can precisely peak an athlete at the right time. That is it in a nut shell...and that nut shell is huge. So check it out its sure to make your head spin and get you thinking again.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Its 5:20am and I'm already 1.5 hours deep

I'm writing this blog as I quickly scarf down my morning 3/4 cup of oatmeal with 50g of protein...add some cinnamon and you've got a deadly combination. Softball is rolling in around 5:40am and I'm getting my mind right for the culmination of our off-season program. We are at the most intensive phase of week we unload and then the following Monday/Tuesday we test.

You want to know what it takes to be #1? Well I'll tell ya. Bull-headed determination. The ability to get up and get yourself going when you don't want to. The desire to pick up your teammate up when times get tough and the end doesn't seem to be in sight. Well for us it is in least the beginning of the end.

Will we choose to dominate or be 20 minutes I'll know.

Erik Korem, MS, CSCS, SCCC, USAW...and a bunch of other stuff

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Performance Nutrition

I have a fascination with training and performance nutrition. There are many diets on the market today. Many of these diets work and work well. I look at nutrition a little different than just a diet. I realize this isn’t the norm. Most people want a cookie cutter program that works. Tell me what to eat and when to eat it so I’ll get results. If you want to perform at your best when dealing with nutrition and training, you have to learn. I just finished two books on performance nutrition. One was Nutrient Timing, written by John Ivy, Ph.D. and Robert Portman, Ph.D. and the second one is Comprehensive Performance Nutrition by Justin Harris. These two books are similar in several ways but different as well. When I choose a nutrition book to read and study, I look at the authors and their credentials. I don’t look at the marketing or all the fluff. Fluff sells but science gets results.

Our bodies adapt to training, thus you change your routine. Nutrition is the same way. Our body will adapt to a diet and our results stop. Our body requires protein, carbohydrates, essential fats and water. That will never change. When, how much and in what combination we put these in our bodies will change. If you are training at a high level, your diet will be different than someone who walks for one hour, five days per week. The bottom line is this; there is no cookie cutter program.

In this article, I am going to discuss nutrition for pre, during and post training. This information was compiled from the book, Nutrient Timing. I want to give credit to Dr. Ivy and Dr. Portman. The drink combinations are products I have used and have had great results with.

Let’s talk a bit about what our body needs before, during and after we train. The 1st phase we will talk about is the energy phase. This is 10 minutes prior to and during your workout. Here are the benefits of consuming the proper energy phase drink prior to and during your workout. I will give my recommendations for energy and anabolic phase drink mixtures as well as the rapid segment growth meal at the end of the article.
1. Increase nutrient delivery to muscles and spare muscle glycogen and protein.
2. Limit immune system suppression.
3. Minimize muscle damage.
4. Set the nutritional stage for a faster recovery following your workout.

The 2nd phase or anabolic phase is of great importance as well. This mixture should be ingested within 45 minutes following your training session. Below are the benefits of an anabolic phase nutrition drink.
1. Shift metabolic machinery from a catabolic state to an anabolic state.
2. Speed the elimination of metabolic wastes by increasing muscle blood flow.
3. Replenish muscle glycogen stores.
4. Initiate tissue repair and set the stage for muscle growth.
5. Reduce muscle damage and bolster the immune system.

The 3rd phase I will touch on today is the rapid segment growth phase. This meal should be consumed within the 1st four hours of your training. Below are the benefits of this meal.
1. Maintain increased insulin sensitivity.
2. Maintain the anabolic state.
3. Maintain positive nitrogen balance and stimulate protein synthesis.
4. Promote protein turnover and muscle development.

Energy Phase Drink: 10 minutes prior to and during your workout
1. ½ - 1 scoop of whey protein
2. 1-2 scoops of waxy maize
3. 2 oz. of Monavie
4. 1 scoop of AdvoCare rehydrate drink mix
5. 12-16 oz. of water

Anabolic Phase Drink: Within 45 minutes after your workout
1. 1-2 scoops of Advocare post workout formula
2. ½ - 1 scoop of whey protein
3. 1-2 scoops of waxy maize
4. 2 oz. of Monavie
5. 1 scoop of AdvoCare rehydrate drink mix
6. 12-16 oz. of water

Rapid Segment Growth Meal: Within the 1st 4 hours after your workout
1. 1 serving of lean protein
2. 1-2 servings of complex carbohydrates
3. 1-2 servings of fibrous carbohydrates
4. 12-16 oz. of water

This is just a small portion of how performance nutrition works. If you are going to train hard, why not make the most of your training. We all have to perform on a daily basis. Do you want to perform at your best? Give this a try. You will feel and see a difference. Remember, NO EXCUSES! JUST RESULTS! Train hard and smart and God Bless!

Scott Hines Sr. EdM, C.S.C.S. RKC
High School Strength and Speed, LLC

You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.
You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietitian.
Copyright © 2008 High School Strength and Speed, LLC

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pre Combine/Pro Day Prep

One of my duties at Mississippi State is to train the graduating senior for either the NFL Combine or our Pro Day. Last year we had great success. Dezmond Sherrod, Lance Long and Eric Butler all made camps...and I'm proud to say they have all stuck. Lance had an amazing Pro Day. He ran an unofficial 4.35 and vertical jumped 39". Also, he ran the fastest 60yd shuttle in the country...or at least from all the guys that ran at the combine.

I'm starting to prepare the training template and periodization for this years group. If we can win out this year we will go to a bowl game, if not we will commence training December 8, 2008. This will give us approximately 16 training weeks before Pro Day and ~10 weeks if the athlete is invited to the combine.

My plan thus far is to use a block periodization model in order to heighten our reactive strength and acceleration abilities. We will begin with an accumulation phase wherein we will develop our general strength abilities and restore the athletes' bodies from a rigorous season. We will then move into an intensification phase for maximum strength development. This will be a short period. After that we'll move into a restoration phase. The next block we will concentrate our loads to develop reactive strength/ speed-strength. During this time we will begin concentrating our sprint loads and begin running "at speed".

Its very crucial that all qualities are at their peak on Pro Day/Combine. Thus, I will meticulously use delayed residuals to reach optimal sports performance.

Stay tuned for videos and updates.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Prowler

Most people haven’t heard of a prowler. Only those who are serious about getting in shape fast, getting stronger and don’t mind a little pain will ever know what it is. We have been using it at Pro Performance with some of our athletes for some time. Some of the performance training facilities in the Northeast use it. Joe Defranco uses it with his athletes and has had tremendous results. This is what I have noticed using it with my own training and out athletes. We have gained strength both in the squat and dead lift. I have seen a steady progression in the weight we can push with the prowler. It is a tremendous anaerobic workout along with the most intense burn ever. Not only is it a leg workout, it is a total body workout. We vary our weight and distanced pushed according to where we are in our squat and dead lift cycle. The 1st time I used it I thought,” My legs will be destroyed for days”. To my surprise, I wasn’t sore at all. I came to this conclusion; Prowler sprints are working the concentric contraction and not the eccentric contraction. This makes this exercise not only a great muscle building and anaerobic workout, but also a restoration workout. If you want to get into shape fast, faster than interval training, make the most of your training time and increase your mental toughness, grab a hold of the prowler and push! Take a look at what the prowler can to do you. DON’T BE AFRAID! NO EXCUSES! JUST RESLUTS! Train hard and smart and God Bless!
Check out the video!

Scott Hines Sr. EdM, C.S.C.S. RKC
High School Strength and Speed, LLC

You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.
You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.

Copyright © 2008 High School Strength and Speed, LLC