Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Can the Pro Performance System of Training be Utilized for Athletes

The answer to this question is yes. Our training system is based on science and has been tried and tested for many years with myself, our trainers and our clients. Nothing can beat experience and being under the bar or in the heat of battle.

Our program is based on a 3 day per week total body training system. Each day we start with a power movement followed by a leg movement and then upper body movements. Day 1 will be an upper body emphasis, day 2 a lower body emphasis and day 3 a power emphasis and then work capacity. I will lay out a template later in the article.

The Program:

Our training program is designed around 3 proven methods.

Train Absolute Strength: We train absolute strength. We do this with a twist. High school strength training programs are usually limited on time. Our system allows you to get the most out of an athlete with great results in the shortest amount of time. So how do we do this? We utilize the push/pull method. Ex. If we are performing a horizontal pressing movement, we will superset with a horizontal pulling movement. When training absolute strength for high school athletes, we keep our rep range between 3-5 reps. We also utilize multi-joint lifts, i.e. Squats, dead lift, overhead press, rows, hang cleans etc.

Train Power: Each workout begins with a power movement or plyometric exercise. Again, we keep the rep range between 3-5 reps. We’ll take longer rest periods between these movements. Power is generated through the legs, hips and core, thus our focus is on training these movements. Notice the last statement. We train movement and not just muscle. You must get away from the body building mentality when training athletes.

Train Work Capacity: We have a unique way of doing this and this is one of the components that separate our style of training from the rest. We train work capacity using medium to heavy weights. We train work capacity on the 3rd workout of the week. We begin this workout with a series of plyometric movements for the lower body as well as the upper body. That’s right, I said upper body. The upper body must be explosive as well. This part of the workout takes around 30 minutes to complete. The work capacity section will take around 15 minutes.

3 Day Template:

Monday: Total Body with Upper Body Emphasis
1. Power movement
2. Multi joint leg movement
3. Horizontal pressing movement
4. Horizontal pulling movement
5. Vertical pressing movement
6. Vertical pulling movement
7. Triceps movement
8. Biceps movement
9. Core training

Wednesday: Total Body with Lower Body Emphasis
1. Power movement
2. Multi joint leg movement
3. Posterior chain movement
4. Unilateral leg movement
5. Vertical pressing movement
6. Vertical pulling movement
7. Body weight horizontal pressing movement
8. Body weight horizontal pulling movement
9. Core training

Friday: Total Body with Power and Work Capacity Emphasis
1. Plyometric movement lower body
2. Plyometric movement upper body
3. Work capacity total body
4. Core training

Each workout begins with a dynamic warm up focusing on lower body flexibility with an emphasis on hip mobility. We also focus on shoulder flexibility and mobility, plus shoulder prehab. Each training session ends with static stretching focusing on hamstrings, hips, glutes and hip flexors. We stretch our upper body with bands. For more information on strength and conditioning for high school athletes, contact us at scott@pro-performance.net

Sample Workout Week:

Kettlebell power pulls: 4x5

Kettlebell Front Squats: 4x5

Dumbbell bench press: 4x5
Dumbbell rows: 4x5

Overhead see saw press: 3x5
Pull-ups: 3x10

Dumbbell triceps extension: 3x10
Dumbbell curls: 3x10

Hanging leg raises: 2x20
Get up sit-ups: 2x10
Floor wipers: 2x10 each side

Kettlebell swings: 4x10

Squats: 4x5

Glute ham raise: 3x10

Pistol box squats: 3x5 each leg

Double overhead kettlebell press: 3x8

Chin-Ups: 3x10

Ring Push-Ups: 3x10

Horizontal pull-ups: 3x10

Core Circuit:
Hanging leg raise: 10 reps
Floor wipers: 10 each side
Get up sit-ups: 10 reps
Ab tucks on swiss ball: 10 reps
Prone plank: 1 min.


Standing tuck jumps: 3x10 reps, 2 min. rest

Power skips: 3x 20 yards, 2 min. rest

Med ball chest pass: 3 x10 reps, 2 min. rest

Plyo push-ups on bosu ball: 3x15 sec, 2 min. rest

Work Capacity: 30/30
Jump rope: 30 sec.
Rest: 30 sec.
Squat to push press: 30 sec.
Rest: 30 sec.
Pull-ups: 30 sec.
Rest: 30 sec.
Push-ups: 30 sec.
Rest 30 sec.
Power pull: 30 sec.
Rest 2 min.
Complete 3 rounds

Coming in December!
The # 1 strength and conditioning program on the market today!

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