Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What a week I just had! During my spring break I decided to take a trip to visit the training staffs at the University of Washington and the Seattle Seahawks. It turned out to be a great idea.

After traveling half way across the world, I was welcomed by a "wintry mix" of snow/sleet/rain. It rocked! The mountains were beautiful and the ocean was refreshing...on top of that I had the honor of spending time with two great coaches: Ivan Lewis and Mike Clark.

Ivan and I talked about keeping things simple in a program and always providing direction for your team. Ivan outlined his philosophy on what he calls "football speed". Ivan believes the game of football is 60% movement and 40% strength (as expressed in weight room gains). I tend to agree. Maximum strength development as well as rate of force development supports sporting speed. These principles are applied in our training program FOOTBALL 360. Ivan was a pleasure to talk to and its easy to see why he's moved up the ladder so fast.

Spending the day with Mike was awesome! Mike was my strength coach at Texas A&M and he is the reason why I'm coaching today. He's not only the best strength coach out there, but he is also the best not licensed psychologist that I know! He knows how to connect with his players and move them in the right direction.

I had a great trip and it was well worth the miles on my butt!